23-101. Home occupations as defined in Article 2 of these regulations shall be permitted in the A District and the CS, R-1, R-2, R-3, TN, MHS and MP residential districts, subject to the following restrictions and limitations:

(23-101 Revised 04-04-12)

(a)   No more than one employee or volunteer shall engage in such home occupation in addition to the person occupying the dwelling unit as his or her place of residence.

(b)   No more than one home occupation may be in existence at any one dwelling unit at any point in time.

(c)   There shall be no outdoor storage of materials or equipment used in the home occupation.

(d)   No exterior alterations or other construction shall be made to the dwelling which changes the character or appearance from its primary residential use.

(e)   No new accessory buildings shall be constructed for use, in whole or in part, in the home occupation.

(f)   The repair of items as a home occupation may occur only when the delivery and pickup of the item is conducted off the premises by the proprietor of the home occupation or by an employee of the home occupation. No trips shall be generated to or from the home occupation by customers with items which have been or are to be repaired.

(g)   No equipment or material shall be used which creates any noise, vibration, smoke or odors perceptible at the boundary lines of the property, which would be in excess of that ordinarily created by a residential dwelling.

(h)   No merchandise shall be displayed or sold on the premises to members of the general public, including craft or articles made by the person operating the home occupation. In no instance shall there be any outside display of such articles in connection with the home occupation. “Members of the general public” shall not include persons who have prior individualized invitation.

(i)    The area exclusively devoted to all home occupations shall be limited to twenty-five percent (25%) of the total floor area of the dwelling or five hundred (500) square feet, whichever is less.

(j)    The giving of lessons of any type shall be limited to no more than four (4) persons at any one time.

(k)   No more than one (1) sign regarding the home occupation shall be permitted, and such sign shall be mounted flat against, or within five (5) feet of, the exterior wall of the dwelling unit.

(l)    Compliance with zoning regulations applicable to the district within which the home occupation operates.

23-201. Permitted home occupations are primarily of a service nature similar to, but not limited to, the following:

(a)   Artists, sculptors and writers.

(b)   Custom dressmaking, tailoring or sewing of fabrics.

(c)   Giving academic, music and similar types of lessons.

(d)   Professional offices for architects, engineers, planners, lawyers, accountants, bookkeepers, realtors, insurance agents, brokers, sales representatives, contractors, and similar professional offices.

(e)   Assembly of handicraft or hobby articles.

(f)   Photographic studios.

(g)   Beauty or barber shops having one chair, stand or station.

(h)   Sales and services based upon the internet.

(i)    Home electronics and small appliance repair service.

23-301. Except where allowed as a permitted or conditional use, home occupations shall not in any event include the following:

(a)   Antiques, retail or wholesale.

(b)   Animal care of any type.

(c)   Funeral homes or services.

(d)   Retail sale or rental of any goods or products, other than where the commercial exchange constituting such sales or rental is accomplished by means of catalog orders, whether in written or electronic form.

(e)   Automotive sales, repair or service of any type.

(f)   Appliance repairs (other than for hand-held household appliances).

(g)   Machine shops, welding shops.

(h)   Fabrication or manufacturing of goods.