8-101. Names and locations of parks. 1
8-102. Permission of board of commissioners
necessary for certain uses; penalty. 1
8-103. Area limited for admission charges;
penalty. 1
8-104. Unlawful to permit animals to trespass;
penalty. 1
8-105. Unlawful to molest birds or wild
animals; penalty. 2
8-106. Unlawful to climb trees or remove nuts;
penalty. 2
8-107. Littering of park with papers and
rubbish prohibited; penalty. 2
8-108. Restrictions on riding of motorcycles,
mopeds and bicycles; penalty. 2
8-109. Swimming pool, use restrictions;
penalty. 2
8-110. Skate park, hours of operation. 3
8-111. Forest park tennis courts, prohibiting
bicycles, skates, skateboards, scooter, and/or any other wheeled vehicles. 3