There is hereby established in the City of Ottawa, Kansas, an Airport Advisory Board for the purpose of advising the City Manager and Governing Body on matters pertaining to the continued growth and improvement of the Airport, which may include the following but not be limited to:

A.    To promote general and commercial aviation activities and interests in Ottawa;

B.    To effectively communicate the policies of the City to the aviation community and to communicate information and advice from the Ottawa community und the aviation community to the City Commission;

C.    To seek means of more fully utilizing and improving aviation facilities in Ottawa;

D.    To aid the City and users of the aviation facilities in Ottawa in obtaining and improving services subject to approval by the Governing Body;

E.    The Board may receive and shall refer to City staff any complaints, from any person or entity, regarding the operation of the Airport. The Board shall also refer to City staff any other information that could affect the operation, safety or fiscal integrity of the Airport.

F.    The Board shall be responsible for monitoring and reviewing the Airport Master Plan including recommending and assisting in the selection of consultants that will be employed by the City to assist with Plan updates and any other airport capital projects that are approved by the Governing Body.

G.    The Board shall meet with City staff and collaboratively create such rules and regulations for the operation of the Airport as deemed necessary and prudent;

H.    The City Manager and/or his/her designated agent will serve in an advisory capacity to the Airport Advisory Board and will be present at all meetings of the Board.

(Code 2015)

In carrying out the foregoing objectives, the Board shall observe the following methods and procedures:

A.    Submit any reports and recommendations in writing to the City Manager and Governing Body of the City of Ottawa;

B.    Understand and advocate the policy direction established for the Ottawa Municipal Airport by the Governing Body;

C.    When specifically directed by the Mayor, make recommendations to the Governing Body regarding changes in rates or fees set by the City for the basic services provided by contracting agents or the City at the Ottawa Municipal Airport facilities;

D.    Make studies, surveys and recommend improvements and promotional programs for the development of aviation in Ottawa, as requested by the Governing Body;

E.    Function as a clearinghouse or source of referral to hear complaints and suggestions for improvements by providing an open and friendly venue for public comment

F.    Consult with and obtain cooperation and coordinated effort on the part of all agencies, public and private, which function in the field of aviation in the City.

(Code 2015)

Said Board shall consist of a minimum of five (5) and not more than seven (7) members who are representatives of the Airport and other citizens knowledgeable and concerned about transportation and aviation. A majority of the Advisory Board shall be residents of the City of Ottawa, and all of the membership of the Board shall have and active interest in the Municipal Airport. As the airport is a regional asset, the Commission may appoint a minority of the membership without regard to residency. The Mayor of the City of Ottawa shall be a member of the Board, and shall not be subject to term limitations in this section. All other members of the Board shall be appointed by the Governing Body and their term shall be for three (3) years with no person to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. During the initial creation of the Board, the Governing Body may appoint members for staggered term so that after creation the Board will have only a minority of the Board subject to reappointment each year. Board members shall serve without pay.

(Code 2015)

Within thirty (30) days after passage hereof and on annual basis, the Board shall meet and organize its membership, electing one of its members as Chairperson and one of its members as Secretary. Thereafter said Board shall meet at least once each quarter as well as at the request of the Governing Body or City Manager, or at the request of the majority of the members of said Board, with the Board establishing its own operating procedures.

(Code 2015)

The Airport Advisory Board shall recommend and make suggestions to the City Manager and Governing Body regarding the continued growth of, and public improvements to the Airport, including the acquisition of additional property, construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of Airport facilities, and institution of programs and procedures which will increase usage of said facilities. In addition, the Board shall make recommendations and reports to the Governing Body on all matters within a reasonable time after such request is made by the Governing Body.

(Code 2015)

The control and management of the Airport shall be under the jurisdiction of the City Manager. All employees and officers deemed necessary to operate the Airport shall be appointed, employed, disciplined, supervised, and terminated in the same manner as other employees and officers of the City of Ottawa.

(Code 2015)