3-101. In order to classify, regulate and restrict the locations of trades, industries, and the location of buildings designed for specified uses; to regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings; to regulate and limit the intensity of the use of lots; to regulate and determine the area of yards and other open spaces surrounding buildings; and to regulate and restrict the density of population, the City is hereby divided into sixteen (16) districts and five (5) overlay districts designated as follows:

“A” Agricultural District

“CS”      Countryside District

“R-1”     Low Density Residential District

“R-2”     Medium Density Residential District

“R-3”     High Density Residential District

“TN”      Traditional Neighborhood District

“MP”      Mobile Home Park District

“MHS”   Manufactured Home Subdivision District

“C-1”     Office and Service Business District

“C-2”     Restricted Commercial District

“C-3”     General Commercial District

“C-4”     Central Business District

“MU”     Mixed Use District

“I-1”      Light Industrial District

“I-2”      Heavy Industrial District

“P”  Public Use District

“EH-O”  Elderly Housing Overlay District

“HO-O” Housing Opportunity Overlay District

“HC-O”  Historic Conservation Overlay District

“PPD-O” Proximity Park Development Overlay District

“PUD”   Planned Unit Development Overlay District

“FW/FP” Floodway and Flood Plain Overlay District

3-201. The boundaries of the districts are shown on the official zoning district maps which are filed in the office of the Zoning Administrator. Each zoning map, with all notations, references, and other information shown thereon, is, by adoption of these zoning regulations, made as much a part of these zoning regulations as if such map, notations, references, and other information were specifically set forth herein.

3-301. Land hereafter annexed into the City shall retain the zoning classification it had from Franklin County, until such time procedures are followed and finalized to amend that zoning classification consistent with state law and these regulations.

3-401. Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of the various districts as shown on the zoning district map, the following rules apply:

a.     The district boundaries are the center lines of streets or alleys unless otherwise shown.

b.    Where the property has been or may hereafter be divided into blocks and lots, the district boundaries shall be construed to be the lot lines, and, where the districts designated on the zoning district map are bounded approximately by lot lines, the lot lines shall be construed to be the boundary of the district unless the boundaries are otherwise indicated on the map.

c.     In unsubdivided property, the district boundary lines on the zoning district map shall be determined by use of the scale appearing on the map.

d.    When a lot held in one ownership on the effective date of these regulations is divided by a district boundary line, the entire lot shall be construed to be within the less restrictive district when the application of this provision would not increase the area of the less restrictive portion of the lot by more than 25 percent.

e.     Where uncertainty may arise, other than as listed above, an interpretation of the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be required.

3-501. Except as hereinafter provided for by variance or exception granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals as specifically authorized by these regulations:

a.     No building shall be erected, converted, enlarged, reconstructed, or structurally altered, nor shall any building or land be used except for a purpose permitted in the district in which the building or land is located.

b.    No building shall be erected, converted, enlarged, reconstructed, or structurally altered to exceed the height limit herein established for the district in which the building is located.

c.     No building shall be erected, converted, enlarged, reconstructed, or structurally altered except in conformity with the area regulations of the district in which the building is located.

d.    The minimum yards and other open spaces required by these zoning regulations for each and every building existing at the time of passage of these zoning regulations or for any building hereafter erected shall not be encroached upon or considered as yard or open space requirements for any other building, nor shall any lot area be reduced beyond the district requirements of these zoning regulations. Yards shall not be reduced beyond the depth of the projected necessary right-of-way, as shown in adopted corridor management plans.
